7 Best WordPress Lazy Load Plugins to make your website Ultra Fast.

Best WordPress Lazy Loading Plugins

Visual Graphics such as Images and videos are one of the effective ways to improve the overall user experience of your website. It helps you deliver message in a faster and a cleaner manner, but this benefit also come with a downside. It can slow down your website.

And we all know that a slow website causes multiple hindrance for every niche webmaster. This is where the importance of Lazy Loading comes in.

This article helps you find the best WordPress Lazy Load Plugins that can make your website blazing fast. You can out the collection below or else If you want to know a little more about Lazy Loading, here you go

What is Lazy Loading?

Lazy Loading is a speed optimization technique used for videos and Images, in which the contents are loaded, only when it comes into the view port area of the user.

Best WordPress Lazy Load Plugins

Loading of all the contents at one go can increase the loading time of your website compared to Lazy loading where your contents are loaded only at the moment, when they are visible to the user.

When it comes to WordPress, Lazy Loading can be easily implemented using the Plugins mentioned below.

Best WordPress Lazy Loading Plugins

1. Rocket Lazy Load

WP Rocket Lazy Load

Lazy Load by WP Rocket is a free plugin that can help you implement the technique on Images and iFrames.

No matter where your image is, be it on a post content, widget, iFrame or an avatar, the plugin does the job of lazy loading without any error.

For webmasters, who embed Youtube videos on the website, WPRocket Lazy Load Plugin replaces it with a preview thumbnail to further enhance the loading time of your website.

2. a3 Lazy Load

a3 Lazy Load

With 200,000+ installations, A3 Lazy Load is one of the most popular and feature rich Lazy Loading Plugins for WordPress available in the repository.

The Plugin works to improve the overall speed of your website by lazy loading any type of visuals such as Images, iFrames and WordPress video embeds.
It’s easy configurations lets you enable/disable lazy loading for images on specific areas of your website such as Post, Pages widget, avatar etc.
a3 Lazy Load images
When it comes to videos, you can lazy load any type of WordPress video embeds with conditions similar to images (Enable/ disable – on specific part of the website).
Not only that, If you want to exclude certain images or videos from lazy loading, you can do it by using the class name of the image/ video to be excluded.
a3 Lazy Load videos

The Plugin also provides support to lazy load any type of content within an iFrame such as Google maps and Facebook like box with multiple meta data.

Lastly the Plugin has been tested for compatibility with major Popular Themes and Plugins such as WordPress AMP, Elementor, Jetpack, WooCommerce and many more.

3. Lazy Load by Optimole

Lazy Load Optimole
This Plugin by Optimole provides more than just lazy loading. It’s offers exciting features all related to Image optimization. It’s innovate features with automated system can make your website really fast with absolutely no shuffle between multiple plugins or providers.

Apart from its smart lazy loading feature, the plugin optimizes all of the Image in real time and serve high quality – perfect size images based on the visitors device. You need not worry about the type of Image format, Optimole supports. The Plugin provides optimization for every Image formats including WebP and Retina version.

Even, If your visitor are on a slower network, you have an option where, Optimole does the work of improving the load time of your website by delivering a downgrade version of the original image.
Note that, every images are delivered through a Global, AWS CloudFront CDN, and you can test the real effect of this Plugin that is available on the Repository for free.

4. WOOCommerce Load more Products

WooCommerce Load more Products
If you want to implement Lazy Load and boost the Performance of your online store, you can try out the WooCommerce Load more Products Plugin that comes with both, free and Premium version.
It offers you with an option to load the Products either through Infinite Scroll, Load more button or an Ajax Pagination.

You can extend these features with its premium version where you can optimize your shop by implementing lazy load for all the Product Images with multiple customizable features such as Custom Loading Image, 35+ Animations for Lazy load and other.

WooCommerce Load more Products Premium
Another impressive feature is the load type depending upon the device where you can set different load types (Infinite/ Load more/ Ajax Pagination ) for different devices.

5. WP Youtube Lyte

WP Youtube Lyte WordPress Plugin

WP Youtube Lyte is another simple plugin in the list of best WordPress Lazy Load Plugins. The Plugin comes from the team of Autoptimize, one of the best plugins for speed optimization. As the name says, this free lazy load plugin can be a great choice if you embed videos from Youtube.

The Plugin improves the performance of your website by lazy loading/ replacing the Youtube videos on your website with a “Lyte Youtube Embeds”, which looks the same as actual videos.
Only on clicking the video, the actual Youtube player is called thereby reducing the Initial rendering time of the page.
If you regularly embed Youtube videos, the Plugin provides you with an option where the video thumbnails can be cached locally, further improving the speed of your website.

6. SEO Friendly Images Pro

SEO Friendly Images Pro Plugin

SEO Friendly Images Pro is another WordPress Lazy Load Plugin combines lazy loading with image optimization for SEO. Powered by a light weight Javascript, the Plugin boosts the performance by delaying the loading of all the images outside the viewport area (visible part of the webpage).

The Lazy loading technique is supported for all the images in post, thumbnails and also contents in advanced custom fields. If you want your images to load a little earlier/ before the user scrolls down, you can do so by entering the threshold.

The SEO benefit is achieved by optimizing the alt and title tags of all the images automatically. If you haven’t optimized the title and alt tags of the images till now, you can override these with a selected “alt/title” scheme, provided by the Plugin.

7. Loading Page with Loading Screen

Loading page with Loading Screen

Loading page with Loading screen works by displaying a loading progress screen of a given page. Whether you want this function to run on the whole website or only selected pages, you can easily set this option in the plugin.

The Plugin works by pre-loading of images on the website and displays the loading percentage screen until the completion of full page load.

The free version of the Plugin is enough to run the basic features of Lazy loading. Some customizations you can perform are – changing the color of loading progress.

If you want to extend the basic features, you can check out its premium version where you choose between multiple loading screens, set your website logo as the loading progress image, select image as a placeholder during pre-loading and many more.


Let us know in the comments below, your favorite Lazy loading Plugins. If you use any other Plugins, do share your experience with us.
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